Image source: http://icecreamjournal.turkeyhill.com/index.php/2007/06/28/old-school-ice-cream/
Even though the Back to School signs are everywhere, summer is not over yet. For me, it feels like it's just begun. My online classes are finished, it feels like I've spent all sumer indoors working or studying. I haven't even gone swimming! The point is, I've been thinking about classic summer activites and that brought me to the Ice Cream Social. When I was a kid, we had an old fashioned crank handled ice cream maker. It took hours, but you can't beat the taste of fresh ice cream. I have never found something that can compare. Even if you can't make ice cream from scratch, there is no reason you can't throw an ice cream party. What fun! It doesn't need to be a birthday, traditionally Ice Cream Socials were neighbourhood gatherings, so feel free to throw one just because. It's a great potluck idea, have guests bring their favourite flavours or toppings.

Image Source: http://www.homemadesimple.com/en-US/HolidayandParty/Pages/ice-cream-social.aspx
Home Made Simple has a great list of Resources, Tips and Recipes for this theme. You can find them here
Really all you need are 2-3 flavours of ice cream and a range of toppings. Hit up the Bulk Food store for fun options. But watch out for nut allergies! If no one has any, feel free to serve nuts. Personally I love nuts on my sundae, but if you have any doubt, better play it safe than sorry.
My suggestions:
- toasted coconut
- cookie pieces (put them in a ziploc bag and crush them with a hammer)
- M&M's or Smarties
- Cut up fruit-berries, mangoes, bananas
- flavoured syrups-caramel, chocolate, raspberry or strawberry
- big cookies to make your own ice cream sandwhich
Oh the parties I would have if I had a backyard. In time, in time.